Saturday, November 3, 2012

Aloe Vera, the Miracle Plant

The medicinal properties of the Aloe Vera plant have been known and recorded since biblical times. The sap of the Aloe is a thick, mucilaginous gel which can be used medicinally. The outer skin has essentially no value.

Aloe vera gel is 96% water mixed with complex polysaccharides made of over 200 phytonutrients. The polysaccharides and glyconutrients is where the healing benefits come from. 

All aloe vera plants are antibacterial and self-healing. If you cut one, it will seal itself in a matter of hours and kill all bacteria that try to invade the leaf. These antibacterial properties are also passed along to humans who consume the aloe vera gel. Aloe vera is antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. 

The gel, once extracted from the Aloe Vera leaf, resembles a large piece of gelatin. This is what you want to eat. You can actually eat a piece of it fresh. The taste is slightly bitter. Once blended into a smoothie, it has virtually no taste at all. 

The gel can also be packed into flesh wounds to prevent infection and accelerate healing. You can actually drop a chunk of aloe very gel directly into a wound before heading to the emergency room. It's also wonderful for cuts, scrapes, burns and bruises. 

The medicine in the gel of the aloe leaf is equivalent to thousands of dollars worth of anti-cancer and anti-cholosterol drugs, provided to us, free of charge, by nature. Simply drop this gel into a blender along with some fruit and water, or almond milk, and you will have a nice healing smoothie. 

Health Benefits of Aloe Vera: 
  • Halts the growth of cancer tumors. 
  • Lowers high cholesterol.
  • Repairs “sludge blood” and reverses “sticky blood”.
  • Boosts the oxygenation of your blood. 
  • Eases inflammation and soothes arthritis pain. 
  • Protects the body from oxidative stress. 
  • Prevents kidney stones and protects the body from oxalates in coffee and tea.  
  • Alkalizes the body, helping to balance overly acidic dietary habits. 
  • Cures ulcers, IBS, Crohn’s disease and other digestive disorders. 
  • Reduces high blood pressure naturally, by treating the cause, not just the symptoms. 
  • Nourishes the body with minerals, vitamins, enzymes and glyconutrients. 
  • Accelerates healing from physical burns and radiation burns. 
  • Replaces dozens of first aid products, makes bandages and antibacterial sprays obsolete. 
  • Halts colon cancer, heals the intestines and lubricates the digestive tract. 
  • Ends constipation. 
  • Stabilizes blood sugar and reduces triglycerides in diabetics. 
  • Prevents and treats candida infections. • Protects the kidneys from disease.  
  • Functions as nature’s own “sports drink” for electrolyte balance, making common sports drinks obsolete. 
  • Boosts cardiovascular performance and physical endurance 
  • Speeds recovery from injury or physical exertion. 
  • Hydrates the skin, accelerates skin repair. Aloe vera in it’s raw state will have the most beneficial health properties.


  1. Trying it for the first time, day 1: 11/03/12, mixed gel with 1 gallon of water.

  2. 9 years later, dealing with the COVID pandemic, still taking my aloe, no colds, flu's, COVID, nothing... forgive me for not trusting vaccines and big pharma... since they have been desperately trying to exterminate BFs since the abolishment of slavery


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