Friday, December 16, 2016

Bacteria, Plants, and Karma

Below is a response by 'New Age Mystic' Aurora Clawson, written on March 26, 2015. Because of a response I received based on my affinity for plants, I did a Google search on 'plants and karma.'

The young lady stated, "There must be good karma around you. I like!"

As I perused through a few pages and stumbled across Clawson's answer to the question:

"How does karma work with living beings like bacteria, plants, etc?"

"Karma is a universal law that accompanies a level of sentient consciousness. Each bacteria does not have a sense of personal self with will and imagination. It has 'hive mind', subject to specific energetic laws governing its species. Its self is its principle. Each aspect of its principle is acted upon by thousands of variants that determine its effect upon those variants. Its species naturally moves along its own evolutionary path without personal choice, Thus, no karma. Since bacteria is acted upon, bacteria causing disease did not maliciously choose to harm human beings. Bacteria is subject to its own energetic design."

"It just so happens we live in a chemically oriented world and some chemicals are harmonious together, and some aren't. If the human system is harmed by interaction with a particular type of bacteria, it is not the bacteria's fault. It has simply, by some means been put together with a human host. It will seek to thrive, feed and survive within a human, as it does everywhere else. Bacteria will just go along doing what it does."

"Its just like wolves. Wolves form packs and kill for food only. They have no will or desire to KILL another wolf. They will fight for dominance, but never to the point of killing another of its species. They only kill for food, adhering to the primitive instincts deeply instilled within them. Ironically enough however, a dove will peck another dove to death. Aren't we humans good at choosing symbols of peace? Just an interesting aside. Still are they subject to karma? No. They are subject wholly to their instinctual natures. They cannot make a choice to deny their natures. There would be zero use for karma."

"Karma is simply a word for how universal consciousness responds to a species with will and imagination, and a species still defining themselves in a wholly limited and delusional way. Such a species is subject to something called the Law of Attraction which is how they are brought into wakefulness. This law is far more complex than the simplified version one hears by those who don't truly study it."

"We human beings have the capacity to choose our responses. Our perceptions create our realities. Self authority and the level of one's Conscious Awareness is what determines whether or not one is still subject to karma."

"When one has transcended their identification of ego as their self, they also transcend karma. The reasons for this would take a great deal of explanation. So I'll leave it at that. As well, there are many other truths about karma that are far more complex. It is never as simple as it seems."

"So the same applies to plants. Something to mention of interest however, is that these life forms can respond with something akin to emotion. When hooked up to instruments that measure their energetic response, they can receive differing types of music and emotions and create specific responses to them.
A plant can respond when its owner lands at an airport. The needles actually jumped at the specific time when measured in one particular experiment."

"Everything is a form of living Consciousness. The laws a thing is subject to depends entirely upon its degree of 'sentience of being' as an identity. Still they can respond with what humans may interpret as emotions to stimulus even if they are not possessing of an individual sense of identity in the human sense. Trees will warn other trees of fires, and the other trees will ooze more sap, which helps to keep them more fire retardant. Nature communicates with itself. None of these communications are determined by the law of karma, which pertains only to human thought."

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