Wednesday, September 22, 2021

My Houseplants

plants are hardy, evergreen gymnosperms (cone-bearing plants) that grow in sand or hard rock. Cycads are dioecious plants; there are separate male and female plants. The female plant produces seeds, and the male plant produces cones filled with pollen.

The most popular cycad is the sago palm. They are slow growing and have a long life. They usually grow to 3 to 5 feet (91 cm-1-1/2 m.) in height, although they can sometimes reach 10 feet (3 m.)in height. Species of Cycad Cycads have been referred to as “living fossils” because they existed before the dinosaurs. Cycads are often confused with palms in appearance, but they are not related, as the cycad does not produce flowers or fruit. However, the cycad is closely related to the pine tree.

Ficus Lyrata - Fiddle Leaf Fig Spider Plant (Chlorophytu Comosum)

Jade Plant
- Crassula ovata

Lemon Lime Dracaena - According to NASA, Dracaenas are effective air purifiers. They've been found to remove volatile organic compounds from the air, increasing the surrounding air quality as well as your productivity and health.

Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea elegans), the neanthe bella palm or parlour palm, is a species of small palm tree native to the rainforests in Southern Mexico and Guatemala. The parlor palm is one of the most heavily sold houseplant palms in the world.

Peperomia is in the succulent family

Philodendron Domesticum, also called spadeleaf philodendron or burgundy philodendron, is a plant in the genus Philodendron. Its arrow-shaped glossy leaves grow to be 22 inches long and 9 inches wide when mature.

Philodendron Heartleaf

Philodendron Selloum (Thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum), also called a lacy tree philodendron or horsehead philodendron. This plant is native to South America but can also be seen growing on the East and Gulf coasts of the United States. When grown as an indoor plant, the easy-care, self-heading philodendron selloum takes up a lot of space, often spreading out 5ft. or more with 2ft.-3ft. leaves. The dark green, shiny leaves are quite large and deeply lobed. A philodendron selloum does grow a trunk as it matures, however, the leaves do a very good job of hiding it. A Philodendron selloum is a very poisonous plant and should be kept way from small children and pets.

Ponytail Palm (base holds water)

Sago Palm - (Cycas revoluta) is a popular houseplant known for its feathery foliage and ease of care. This plant is actually considered a cycad, one of the oldest groups of plants dating back to prehistoric times — hence the plant’s hardiness.

Sansevieria Snake Plant

Sansevieria Starfish Snake Plant

Schefflera arboricola (Umbrella Plant)

Zigzag Cactus - The Zigzag cactus or fishbone cactus, Epiphyllum anguliger, now more correctly Disocactus anguliger, has been around for years.

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