Friday, January 23, 2015

Red Aglaonema

The "Red Aglaonema" is a hybrid of the Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema modestum) a very popular, durable, houseplant.

Plant breeders in Thailand and Indonesia started cranking out hybrids with spectacular leaves and stems in an incredible array of colors and patterns, which is what led to the birth of the Red Aglaonema.

Growing Conditions:

Light: The darker green varieties can grow in near shade, while the variegated varieties require brighter light. Do not expose to direct sun.

Water: Water thoroughly in the summer, and mist often to raise humidity. During the winter, reduce watering but do not let the plant dry completely. Seek to raise humidity in general.

To Navyport:

The Pothos or Philodendron, Chinese Evergreen, Peace Lily, Peperomia, Drycaena, Dieffenbachia, and the Spyder Plant are all low-maintenance, beautiful houseplants. 

1 comment:

  1. The hybrid shown above is absolutely beautiful. I have never seen one with that much red on the leaves.


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